MSM Side Story 5

[Alfine : The Sword Master’s Regret]

※Alfine’s POV

It’s been a month since Finn left this mansion.

I can only think that the break up declaration he said that day was really true.

Actually at this time, we should have been looking for a site to build an orphanage, which was the dream of both of us…

He threw away that dream and me, and rush out to an unknown place.

I haven’t even seen the face of my real parents, and since I left the orphanage, he was the only one that could be called close to me and like a family who I can show my true self to.

Why did you leave… why…?

I still really don’t want to admit my feeling, but in the past month I have been able to somehow understand the reason for my behavior towards Finn.

I was too spoiled to the existence of Finn… Because we had been together since the time we were born, so I thought it would be nice to be spoiled by Finn who I can show my true self to.

Everyone calls me Sword Master and Sword Goddess, but my true self is selfish, I get angry right away when I don’t like something, I’m not good at household chores, moreover, I said various things in hopes that Finn can’t talk to other girls…

Because I’m such an ambiguous person, I thoughtーSomeday Finn may go to somewhereー.

So without even confirming his feelings, I spread a rumor to the surroundings that we’ve become lovers so that he won’t leave me behind.

I think I did something stupid even if I say so myself.

If I had been treated like how I treated Finn, I would have escaped from his side a long time ago.

However, the gentle Finn silently endured the treatment of such me.

However, perhaps he became disgusted at me who didn’t notice it at all, leaving behind the break up declaration, threw everything away, and left the mansion.

Abandoning his status, dream, the future with me, everything.

I felt regret, so I was biting my nail strongly.

Even if I find Finn, our relationship might not return to how it used to be…

However, at least I would like to apologize for the way I treated him so far.

Even if I will be abused by Finn, I should still apologize to him for that.

I’m sorry, Finn…I was wrong.

If I can say these words more honestly…the results may have been different.

When I thought so, tears naturally fell down my cheeks.

At that time, the door was knocked.

“Alfine-sama, I have something to report.”

The one who knocked was the Butler.

I quickly wiped the tears on my cheeks and recovered my calmness.

“Alright, come in.”

The door open and the Butler comes in.

“There was progress in the search of Finn-sama. Using the connection of the noble house I served before, I managed to talk to the Adventurer’s Guild higher ups and asked them, and it seems that a man who was wearing Finn-sama’s platinum badge was arrested in Algren.”

The report from the butler contain too much information, so it took me a little while to understand it.

It means Finn himself hasn’t been found, right.

But, I wonder why is that man has Finn’s adventurer’s emblem…

It is easy to tell if it was the Royal Capital’s Adventurer’s Guild’s platinum rank badge just by seeing it, but whose badge is that, it can’t be differentiated after all.

Hearing the report from the butler, I tilted my head.

“Wait a minute, how did you know that the badge of the man who was arrested in Algren is Finn’s platinum badge?”

“It’s by using the connection of the noble house I served before. Normally, I can’t tell it to Alfine-sama who is an adventurer, but because you are a lady who was given a peerage from the King and has become a noble, so I’ll tell you. But please keep the conversation we are about to have from now on to yourself. If leaked, this house[1] will be destroyed and Alfine-sama will not be able to live as an adventurer anymore.”

The Butler was taking a self important attitude, it annoyed me.

The noble house he used serve seems to have collapsed. But I don’t know why.

I hired him without examining his background in details because he was the only who seemed to be able to serve me as my butler when I became a noble after the King took a liking to me.

“I understand. I will not reveal anything you’d say from now on to others. I swear on my sword.”

“Thank you. Actually, the platinum rank badge of the Adventurer’s Guild is engraved with fine letters for misuse prevention and personal identification. Since platinum rank adventurers are also requested by nobles in escort mission and the like, the Adventurer’s Guild made that to guarantee the platinum rank adventurers identity and prevent it’s misuse. So, every Adventurer’s Guild take a portrait and characteristic of the adventurers who was decided to become platinum rank, then engraved it with fine letters to use it as identification, and drawing up copies of the said platinum rank adventurers and distribute it to all Adventurer’s Guild.”

It was the first time I heard that.

When I was promoted to platinum rank, I was told by the Adventurer’s Guild that I could use it anywhere, and to always wear it in visible place and not to lose it.

It was said that measures were taken to prevent identity fraud…

“Before Alfine-sama was born, the Adventurer’s Guild management side was loose, adventurers arbitrarily impersonating as a platinum rank adventurer and causing various problems. Even among the Adventurer’s Guild’s staff and nobles, there are some who didn’t know it. So impersonating like this time would result in heavy penalties as a convicted felon.”

“But I’ve never heard that from the Adventurer’s Guild’s side.”

“In other words, it is to outwit the adventurer who is thinking of exploiting it. Therefore, they didn’t tell it to the adventurers, and this fine letters for identification can only be carved by a special craftsman managed by the Adventurer’s Guild.”

I see…

The platinum rank has a high level of social credibility as the highest peak of adventurers, and as the Adventurer’s Guild who is responsible for their conduct, they want to eradicate impersonation.

“I see, that kind of arrangement was done. So, this time, a man with a badge with fine letters for identifying Finn was found in Algren.”

“Yes, that’s right. He’s already detained by the Adventurer’s Guild. Would you like to meet him?”

“Do you think Finn is in Algren?”

I replied to the butler’s question with a question.

There’s an information that Finn was last sighted to be heading to the stagecoach bound for the frontier.

Algren was a large city that was not in the frontier but in the north.

Perhaps, to throw off my pursuit, Finn deliberately showed that he was heading to the frontier, but he was actually hiding in the large city Algren where his emblem was found? I can’t tell.

“Presently, there is no other thing that shows Finn-sama’s footsteps except that badge, so I think it’s worth a visit. Because you are the Royal Guard Knight Order’s sword instructor, I think if you ask for a vacation from the King, he will allow it.”

The butler said it was worth a visit.

If, I could meet Finn in Algren, I felt motivated to be able to ask Finn to come back with me even if I have to apologize.

Even if I couldn’t meet him, I might be able to get some information from the man who got Finn’s badge.

Alright, rather than staying and worrying here helplessly, let’s go to Algren.

“Okay. I’m going to see the King right away and ask for a vacation. If I get the permission, I’ll go to Algren immediately, so proceed with the preparation.”


When the butler bow and leave, a maid came in and help me change into clothes for the audience with the King.

Then, with that pace, I asked for a vacation to the King and was allowed, then I headed straight to the north’s large city, Algren.

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[1] House as in noble status.

Am I the only one thinking that the butler is suspicious?

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21 thoughts on “MSM Side Story 5

    1. Lol what universe is this?
      Every time I see a good servant, they always name it Sebas, but not with this one… maybe he’s not worthy for that name because his previous master house is collapse

      Liked by 1 person

  1. no that butler is suspicious as hell, also the revelation about the guild is not huge at all, it like okay that was something withing expectation… it not normal to to thing of a way to identify people like the platinum rank like it said in it, people would otherwise find a way to abuse it. also Alfine finally figure out why he left, but seem to not have reflect that much about it, she did it a little though, but not enough and to make matters worse he getting a stalker while she searching for him…

    Thank for the chapter!

    Liked by 8 people

    1. The badge isn’t I’m kind of surprised they don’t do that on the top 2 or 3 grades of adventurers. I’d be wondering more about the portraits. I mean unless they have a magic tool that works like a camera that they could discreetly use that would be causing more questions then anything.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. yeah it sus as hell… like how the butler and an fallen noble household know that? It feel like a trap there, but can’t deny that someone find it in the trash that Finn throw it and go North with it but… let be honest it smell bullshit I tell you.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. It could be possible that some low ranking adventurer found Finns platinum badge and saw it as an opportunity to move to a bigger safer town in the north and start taking cushy noble escort jobs.

        Liked by 6 people

    2. Finn threw his Badge in the trash in the outer city. I think you are right that the butler is suspect as all get out. I find the part in this chapter where Alfine says she didn’t even bother to do a background check on the butler especially worrisome. I’m betting now that the butler might have had a hand in the fall of the family he worked for.

      Liked by 5 people

  2. Thank you.

    She doesn’t deserve forgiveness. She would never even think to improve her treatment of him until he left and never realized that she treated him like trash.
    She even had the guts to assume a victim’s stance with all that bullshit along the lines of: “Finn abandoned our dream and broke our promise!”
    Would be perfect if upon meeting Finn beat her with his skills.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. you can forgive a snake for biting you without forgetting it’s a snake. What’s more, the text implies that he had tried to leave multiple times, but kept getting backed down

      Liked by 1 person

  3. If I remember correctly I thought Finn tossed his badge in the trash of the frontier adventurer guild? So I will throw in my hat that this is shady af. At least the ex is reflecting still doesn’t mean MC should take her back though. Spread rumors, prevented him from growing his magic talent, casual mental abuse, etc. Yeah nah

    Liked by 2 people

  4. There is too much plot forced on this novel. At first Finn casually throws away his badge, but I know this will be a flag. And sure enough this happened… Finn should have been described as being cautious about Alfine, but he did the very impossible thing he could do by throwing away his badge. Isn’t this for the sake of plot?

    Another thing about this Butler. There are actually many suspicious Butlers in many novels, but writers usually ignore the explanation of Butlers. It is clear that this buttler is given multiple flags. Former Noble House? Not investigating his identity? Finn’s badge that appears in the north? I can understand this buttler’s intention very clearly .. hhahahahh

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Wait, so she rumored the relationship inti being. So it was not even like they both declared it to each other, she just one-sidedly imposed the relationship on Finn (I mean Finn must have felt the same way but that is beside the point).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well Frick definitely viewed her as his girlfriend as was made clear in there breakup in chapter 2. I doubt he would have felt it necessary to leave all his money and gear if he didn’t seem them as being romantically involved either. Then again she may have done this early on before they became a couple.

      Liked by 4 people

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