MSM Side Story 7


[Noelia : The Observation Journal of the Count’s Daughter Mage]

※Noelia’s POV

After finishing dinner, I decided to write down on Frick-sama’s observation journal which has become my daily routine, in the bed of the main building that Gawain-shishou and Frick-sama gave in to me.

『Frick-sama, Observation Journal, 30th entry』

――Today, he was taught Gawain-shishou’s Body Strengthening magic, Quickness and Strength, and immediately succeeded in activating it.

As expected, the speed at which he comprehends magic was amazing.

He activated the Body Strengthening magic, which is the hardest magic for me of all the magic I learned from many masters, in a single try, moreover, he did it with nonchalant face.

Having a first-class attainment as a swordsman, he wouldn’t suffer from lack of oxygen…it’s not fair, no, it made me jealous.

It’s impossible for an ordinary mage to imagine thickening their muscle.

In the first place, a mage is supposed to accumulate knowledge without training their body.

To strengthen their body, the mage will become oxygen deficient and nutrition deficient, so they won’t be able to concentrate on their thoughts, that’s why I thought that for a mage, this magic is like putting the cart before the horse.

However, I was able to newly discover that if it was a person who has sword and magic talent and aims to become a magic swordsman like Frick-sama, it is a very good magic with a synergistic effect with them.

There are rare people who are called magic swordsmen or mage swordsmen. As I’ve seen from Frick-sama, it is highly possible that Gawain-shishou’s Body Strengthening magic will increase their fighting power.

I thought it was not suitable for a mage because it will put a burden on their body, but I changed my mind after watching Frick-sama today.

Perhaps it’s not a magic that can only be used to avoid close range and take up distance.

From this point, it will be my personal opinion…

I think Frick-sama looks better with a slender and toned body as I expected.

Body Strengthening increases the muscle mass and made the body looks inflated.

Even so, if its Frick-sama, perhaps he’d still looked suitable with it…?

If possible, I wish he would refrain from using it regularly as his body might became like Gawain-shishou’s.

He has a handsome look, so it will be a waste if his body is covered with muscles.

However, if Frick-sama asks for a skinship with such a body, I would probably accept it without putting up a Wind Barrier.

As a mage, I respect Frick-sama who hold such a talent and strength, I’m not talking about the kind of skinship out of such an impure feeling like love.

I shouldn’t…

Sorry, I lied. I love him.

I’ve fallen in love with him.

I wrote that I don’t have an impure feeling to him, but it became too much.

I was very happy imagining myself being embraced by Frick-sama.

I confess that I had never had this kind of emotion in the opposite sex, and today, I used oxygen deficiency due to magic of Body Strengthening as an excuse to watch Frick-sama’s face all the time.

Perhaps I, who think about Frick-sama all day and even write such an observation journal, have no right to call Gawain-shishou a weirdo.

However, it’s impossible.

I can’t get him out of my head, and my eyes will immediately follow Frick-sama.

Perhaps if our first meeting was normal, I might have conveyed this feeling without hiding it like this though…

No matter how many times I think about it, the stupid acts I did before was unreasonably foolish and it made a huge and deep gap between me and Frick-sama.

The only thing I can do is to watch over him from nearby without inconveniencing him…

I can’t wish for more than that.

I have to do my best to conceal my feelings, and carefully act at a distance.

I absolutely must never forget that.

――Frick-sama’s observation journal ends.

When I finished writing the observation journal of Frick-sama, which I’ve written since the first time we met, the door was knocked.

“Noelia, it’s me, is my belt pouch not left behind near the bed?”

The one who knocked was Frick-sama, so I hurriedly hide the observation journal under the pillow.

“Y-yesh! Belt pouch!? I’ll look for it immediately, so please wait.”

I was surprised, and even stammered when I replied.

Embarrassing, it’s too embarrassing.

Now, if this observation journal was seen by Frick-sama, he would be speechless and perhaps he wouldn’t allow me to be at his side anymore.

My impatience made it difficult for me to find the belt pouch.

“Can I enter and look for it too?”

“!? No! You can’t!”

It would be bad if he searches for it now, he absolutely mustn’t enter.

“Sorry. It’s bad to enter a woman’s room, right. Sorry, if you can’t find it, I’ll just look for it tomorrow.”

The reason is different though, it’s just impossible right now.

“I’m looking for it now, so please wait. I-I’ll find it soon.”

While I was searching in a hurry, I crawl under the bed and found the belt pouch.

I immediately grabbed it, opened the door, and handed it to Frick-sama who was standing there.

“Thank you for waiting. This is it, right.”

“Ahh, it is. Sorry, you sav――”

After receiving the belt pouch, said his thanks, and looked at me, Frick-sama suddenly turned around and ran away.

P-perhaps, I did something to offend him…?

I was frustrated with the sudden change in Frick-sama’s attitude, but after seeing my own clothes, I understand.

OH NO!! I forgot that I only wore a thin sleepwear because I thought that would sleep after I write down on the observation journal!!

He might have thought that I was a strange woman who like to show her skin and tempt men.

It’s the worst, my relationship with Frick-sama which I managed to retain after that disastrous first impression would end with this.

Perhaps I won’t be able to see him from tomorrow onwards.

That night, I was worried about what kind of expression Frick-sama would show tomorrow, so I kept sniffing his cloak to calm down, and eventually, I couldn’t get a wink of sleep until morning arrived.

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Ahh, behind the cold exterior lie such a sweet girl, that is, if you exclude that she is a stalker.

But whatever, she’s cute so it’s fine.

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24 thoughts on “MSM Side Story 7

  1. “Sorry, I lied. I love him.”

    Heh, the girl finally confessed to it (to herself at least).
    It’s just a matter of time until she gets to confirm it for real.

    Thanks for this chapter!

    Liked by 4 people

      1. I see I am sorry I dissapointed you as I am not really back again… but I promise… One days I will be back and that day will be glorious.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. There was a time when I would read this chapter and think: “She’s cute, but she’s a little too perverted for my taste”. Now I think: “She is very cute, I wish to have a girl like her”. My mind can reject pervert girls anymore, maybe it’s the effect of reading Hensuki.

    Liked by 2 people

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